Money Puzzles movie projection

Money Puzzles addresses the widespread misunderstandings about money and debt to be found in both the media and everyday life, not to mention…

10. Subversive Film Festival

10 Years of Free Cinema – Marx & Maureen Films are like bridges that connect different people, stories and fragments of culture. We…

Short Film Competition – Block 2

The Lost Voice / La voz perdida, d. Marcelo Martinessi, 2016., Paraguay/Venezuela/Kuba/Argentina, 11’ DCP In the film The Lost Voice Marcelo Martinessi re-examines Paraguay’s recent…

Short Film Competition – Block 1

Kwassa Kwassa, d. Tuan Andrew Nguyen & SUPERFLEX, 2015., Denmark, 17’ DCP In Kwassa Kwassa the locals build an “unstable boat” (kwassa kwassa) in order…


10. Subversive Film Festival (7th-14th May 2017) – Download PDF 10. Subversive Forum +  International conference: European Left Against New World (Dis)order (14th- 20th May…

Die goldene Pest (John Brahm, 1954)

Whatever happened to his village? Richard Hartwig wonders when he returns to Dossental: The village had turned into something like a pleasure quarter…

Der 20. Juli (1955; Falk Harnack)

It says a lot about the Federal Republic of Germany that a group of Wehrmacht officers was made into the nation’s epitome of…