Nepopustljiva misao: u spomen G. M. Tamásu
Početkom godine napustio nas je mađarski filozof Gáspár Miklós Tamás. Njegov utjecaj na regionalnu ljevicu bio je značajan: brojnim ovdašnjim studentima predavao je…
Početkom godine napustio nas je mađarski filozof Gáspár Miklós Tamás. Njegov utjecaj na regionalnu ljevicu bio je značajan: brojnim ovdašnjim studentima predavao je…
Werner Bonefeld: Negative humanism The purpose of the critique of capitalist society is the humanisation of the social relations. However, the premise of…
What can we learn from the early history of Social Democracy for the building of a vibrant and viable socialist movement today? The…
Stathis Kouvelakis: The Time of History, the Time of Politics, the Time of Strategy TBA Tijana Okić: All that Exists Cannot be…
This talk considers two reconceptions of communist politics emerging in response to the so-called “crisis of Marxism” of the 1970s. Théorie Communiste’s “theory…
As its French title suggests (La critique défaite: émergence et domestication de la Théorie critique, forthcoming English translation by Verso, 2025), the book…
Osim što pruža precizan i iscrpan uvid u intelektualnu povijest Francuske u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća, knjiga Davida Šporera donosi prilično polemičnu kritičku…
This discussion delves into the utopian ideas of Marxist feminism, or more specifically, how Marxist feminism helps us conceptualize utopia both as an…
Rastko Močnik: Emancipacija – utopija Ako se pod “utopijom” misli na ideju nepostojeće, a željene društvene formacije, onda je potrebno odrediti na kojim…
“Jednom reči, sa stvaranjem demokratske federativne Jugoslavije završava se vekovna istorija pocepanosti, razdora i međusobnih borbi južnoslavenskih naroda, a sa time i istorija…
European Green Deal is an ambitious and at least one decade long program of the European Commission which – although under impact of…
In 1940, Walter Benjamin noted that it is the function of political utopia to cast light on the sector worthy of destruction. His…
Aesthetics and politics, culture and barbarism: the relations between these have concerned revolutionary and critical thinkers and practitioners. This talk considers the politics…
Despite insoluble contradictions, intense volatility and fierce resistance, the crisis-ridden capitalism of the 21st century lingers on. To understand capital’s paradoxical expansion and…
A trace of destruction follows the reign of financial markets, the new internet giants, the opinion-making industry. What loses out are democracy, freedom…
Nedavno preminuli američki politički ekonomist Michael A. Lebowitz itekako je poznato ime u našim lijevim krugovima. Još prije rata dolazio je u Cavtat,…
The panel will be discussing Gerald Raunig’s new book, published at the end of last year, which brings philosophical and political considerations on…
Knjiga Head in the Stars: Essays on Science Fiction (Multimedijalni institut, 2020) preispituje dominantno mišljenje o znanstvenoj fantastici danas, kao i o utopiji…
In our age of Covid and climate catastrophe, mutual aid has gained renewed importance in providing relief when hurricanes, floods and pandemics hit,…
The task of this talk: to propose a philosophical mobilisation of few key concepts of contemporary epistemology (i.e. complex systems and irreversibility), confronting…