
United States, 2000, 60 min

still/here kroji refleksiju o ogromnom krajoliku prošaranom ruševinama i praznim parcelama koji čine sjeverni dio St. Louisa, područje na kojem je nastanjena gotovo…

Tonsler Park

United States, 2017, 80 min

Tonsler Park records a polling station in Charlottesville, Virginia during Election Day in the United States on November 8th, 2016. * A masterpiece…

The Inheritance

United States, 2020, 100’

Ephraim Asili’s feature-length debut is a remarkable ensemble work that takes place almost entirely inside a West Philadelphia house. The film follows a…

Hommage: John Smith – Programme 2

Dad’s Stick    2012, 5 mins. Dad’s Stick features three well-used objects that were shown to the filmmaker by his father shortly before he…

Hommage: John Smith – Programme 1

Om    1986, 4 mins. “This four minute film explores our response to stereotypes –  aural, visual and ideological. We are taken on…

Subversive Film Festival od 14. do 21. svibnja

Natjecateljski i popratni program 16. Subversive Film Festivala održat će se od 14. do 21. svibnja u kinu Tuškanac, Dokukinu KIC i MSU-u Zagreb te donosi okruglih pedeset filmskih naslova. Subversive Film…