MSU – Gorgona Hall / Thursday 16.5. / 4.30 pm

Laocoon & Sons – The Story of the Transformation of Esmeralda Del Rio

Germany, 1972/73, 50'
Director: Ulrike Ottinger

Fairy tales are coming — Fairy tales are here to stay
I am a picture — I am a fairy tale.
And this is the sound of music
This is Laocoon and Sons — Laocoon and Sons is a story for all seasons.
One or two or three or hundred voices tell this story
For the pleasure of your eyes and ears.
These are women’s voices.


Once upon a time there was a country known by the name of Laura Molloy.

Laura Molloy was the name of this country. Only women lived in Laura Molloy. Esmeralda del Rio was a woman. One day Esmeralda del Rio had the idea to undergo a series of transformations, which were to take her very far.

So far did she go that she had no way of knowing how far she had gone.

Two things were certain: Esmeralda del Rio was blond and in her own way she practiced a kind of magic which I would like to call ‘blond magic’. – Excerpt from the script

This first film already contains many of the elements that reappear in Ulrike Ottinger’s later films: an extraordinary woman, an unusual country and a chain of magic transformations that gives rise to a series of eccentric character depictions. This notion of transformation, taken from Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, which contains the idea of death and destruction as well as resurrection, remains an important theme. The film was first shown in 1975 in Berlin.

Ulrike Ottinger

Ulrike Ottinger (1942.) je njemačka vizualna umjetnica rođena u Konstanzu. Od 1962. do 1968. radila je kao slikarica i fotografkinja u Parizu. Godine 1969. osnovala je filmski klub Visuell u Konstanzu i vodila ga je do 1972. Osnovala je i Galeriepress, umjetničku galeriju i tiskaru. Od 1973. živi u Berlinu. Njezini osebujni komadi isprepliću etnografiju, povijest i fantaziju i vode publiku na duga putovanja u strane kulture gdje redateljica sudjeluje u svakodnevici lokalnih naroda, od ceremonija ženskih šamana u Mongoliji preko japanskih zimskih rituala do ribolova najsjevernijih žitelja Arktika. Ottinger je još od ranih 1970-ih jedinstven i provokativan glas u njemačkom filmu a retrospektive su joj priredili Cinémathèque française i Centre Pompidou u Parizu, Reina Sophia u Madridu i njujorška MoMA. Osim filmova također producira opere i kazališne predstave te je prisutna na međunarodnoj umjetničkoj sceni s izložbama svojih fotografija. Režirala je između ostalog sljedeće filmove: Madame X – Eine absolute Herrscherin (1977.), Bildnis einer Trinkerin (1979.), Freak Orlando (1981.), Johanna D’arc of Mongolia (1989.), Taiga (1992.), Exil Shanghai (1997.).