Off Frame AKA Revolution Until Victory
“For people who suffer from invisibility, the camera would be their weapon.” Elias Sanbar In an age dominated by the moving image, imagine…
“For people who suffer from invisibility, the camera would be their weapon.” Elias Sanbar In an age dominated by the moving image, imagine…
R21 aka Restoring Solidarity is a film about making a film, it’s also a film about films, it exists on the margins of…
Formed in 2011, and based between Palestine, Brussels and other elsewhere, Subversive Film is a cinema research and production collective that aims to…
The lecture is coorganized by the Subversive festival, the Multimedia Institute and the Literary club BOOKSA. moderated by: Karolina Hrga & Emina Bužinkić…
The escalating wars at the borderlands of the so-called West and growing tensions between the major world powers make today the outbreak of…
Climate grief is a topic that is taken very seriously in Dutch humanism. Particularly younger people and activists are struggling with severe depression…
Life at present is plagued by drama and emergencies. We see rampant inequality and carelessness entrenched, ensuring that essential resources are ever harder…
“Nightmare” is the word that keeps appearing in the recent onslaught of various crises, which now constitute something of a “serial crisis”: economic…
It is no longer news – democracy finds itself in its deepest crisis since the end of the World War II. Many reasons…
As the US heads into the 2024 elections, liberal commentators and Democratic party functionaries try, yet again, to present the choice between two…
This talk, presented by collective member George Edwards, explores the anti-ecological dimensions of the far right, with a specific focus on the strategies…
Growth-driven consumer culture is plainly disastrous for the environment, and remains reliant upon a neo-colonialist transfer of labour, resources, products and services from…
For Luxemburg, all objective arguments for socialism depend on “the concept of a breakdown, a social catastrophe … a cataclysm”. But what sort…
Among progressive political initiatives concerned with climate breakdown, the narrative framing the urgency of the struggle often goes something like the following: we…
Nesavršene predstavlja političku i psihološku, ali prvenstveno feminističku analizu tradicionalističkog patrijarhalnog razmatranja i tretiranja normalnosti žene te mitova o tzv. ženskim mentalnim bolestima…
Tekstovi okupljeni u ovoj knjizi bave se ideološkim i društvenim pitanjima iz naglašeno lijeve pozicije, nudeći lucidne uvide svima zainteresiranima za područja ideologije,…
U novoj knjizi Spontana ideologija svakodnevnih pojmova (Durieux, 2023.) Katarina Peović u osnovi se bavi demaskiranjem poretka, prokazivanjem njegovih kamuflažnih sredstava i tehnika,…
U sklopu već tradicionalne Eurokazove škole izvedbenih umjetnosti, a kao uvod u novu Eurokazovu produkciju „Krležino divot pismo“ razgovarat će se na temu…
Kako se planet zagrijava, novi autoritarni pokreti na zapadu prigrlili su toksičnu kombinaciju negiranja klimatskih promjena, rasizma i mizoginije. Knjiga Care New Daggett…
Prof. Dr. Katharina Sykora will deliver a lecture titled The Ways of Showing in Ulrike Ottinger’s Films. Dr. Sykora is a professor emerita…